The patient below had 3,000 FUE grafts with Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi in our Beverly Hills clinic to restore zones 1, 2 and 4. The goal of the procedure was to recreate a thick and natural looking hairline with high density that would match his existing hair, paying special attention to hairline placement and temple closure that would frame the patients face giving him a more youthful looks. Grafts were also added in the crown to reinforce zone 4.

The procedure was performed in one day by Dr. Baubac and his Beverly Hills team.

Here is his story.

AlviArmani Beverly Hills FUE- Hair Restoration

The patient below had 3,000 FUE grafts with Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi in our Beverly Hills clinic to restore zones 1, 2 and 4. The goal of the procedure was to recreate a thick and natural looking hairline with high density that would match his existing hair, paying special attention to hairline placement and temple closure that would frame the patients face giving him a more youthful looks. Grafts were also added in the crown to reinforce zone 4.

The procedure was performed in one day by Dr. Baubac and his Beverly Hills team.

Here is his story.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Baubac

In charge of Alvi Armani, Beverly Hills is Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi. He is the President and Medical Director of the flagship clinic. Dr. Baubac along with his team of support staff are responsible for transformation that comes out of the clinic every day.  Under the attention of Dr. Baubac and his team of professional staff, the highest standard of care is given to each and every single graft whether it be in the follicle donor extraction process, the graft placement design, the direction of each graft, the hairline refinement process as well as temple angle closure. Each donor graft is handled and treated like it is a vital human organ throughout the entire process. 
Some of the advanced treatments that you can expect to receive from Dr. Baubac and his team includes:
· FUE minimally invasive follicular unit extraction
· Body or beard hair transplant
· Scalp micro pigmentation
·  Platelet rich plasma PRP hair therapy
· Eyebrow & eyelash transplant
· Mega session
·  Dense packing


For more information or to schedule a consultation contact: 


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